Tuesday, 13 September 2011

How to see aura in 5 minutes?

Call it what you like (aura, halo) there is a clearly visible energy field around everything that exists. If you like the scientific approach you might want to call it electromagnetic radiation. The name does not matter.

Have you ever heard of people being able to see aura (I’m going to stick with this name)? Surely you thought it was a special skill and only a few Chosen Ones could do that. Or that you needed to practice for years. In the mountains. Amongst monks. Without TV. And chocolate.
So here is a piece of good news for you: You are just as chosen as anyone else. 
Your skills are exactly same as the Special Ones’. The only person stopping you using those skills is yourself and your belief of not having them.
Discovering your ‘magic’ skills is tremendous fun. I want you to have as much fun as possible while you are here in this physical form. So let’s see how to do it.
  1. Get a volunteer and make them stand in front of a light coloured wall (preferably no patterns). Try to relax your mind and try not to expect anything. Can you recall what happens when you are really tired and you just stare without actually looking or focusing on anything? When your wife or husband says “You are not listening to me, are you?!” This is exactly what I want you to do! Stare in the middle of the forehead or even behind them on the wall -as if they were see-through. Try not to blink. Soon you will see a really shiny contour around the person, about 2-4 inch wide. This will come up in your periferic vision. Don’t worry if as soon as you start focusing, it all seems to disappear, this is perfectly normal! Relax, and it will come back straightaway. And there you go, you did it! If you are lucky you might see a larger layer too around the body and if you are doing really really well you might see colours.
  2. If you haven’t got anyone to work with you can observe your own aura in a mirror. You do exactly the same, just use your mirror image. 
  3. It’s easy to see the aura of flowers, trees, stones and animals. Go and discover! 
I have taught quite a lot of people to do that and everyone without exception could see aura after a few minutes. Like any other skill, seeing aura gets better with practice. You can have fun and practice during meetings, on the airplane, on lectures, during conversations, anywhere and anytime. Life never gets boring again!
Important: There is a lot of information available on the internet about aura and reading aura. If you want to know more just start google-ing. However please be careful about analyzing other people’s aura because it might takes you into tricky waters. 
Please feel free to share your aura watching experience with me and send me an e-mail on judit@innergyhealing.co.uk 
Love, light (and electromagnetic radiation)

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

How to save ourselves in 5 minutes? 2. Enjoying the Journey

2. Enjoying the Journey

In my previous blog I quoted Captain Jack Sparrow : “It is not so much the destination but the journey”
Well, we are all mentally trained to focus on the result. “Getting there” seems to be the biggest achievement of all time. Therefore when we set up the goal we focus on the future fulfillment so much that we completely miss the Present as it is. Don’t you agree? 
Does this sound familiar?
Let’s just quickly get ready for work in the morning. Just get dressed. Just get in the car and get to work. Just get through the day and get home. Let’s just get dinner and go watch TV. Let’s just get to bed, just quickly get that satisfaction before sleep. Just so that tomorrow you can just start the whole craziness again. No wonder you feel like a hamster spinning the wheel.
So here is my 5 minute get-me-out-of-this tip: Let’s play a mind-game! 
Imagine you wake up tomorrow morning knowing that you will depart in 24 hours. If the thought of death scares you than imagine that you have to go on a 20 year mission to Mars (or Venus if you are a woman). This is a secret mission, no one else can now about it. You are not allowed to drastically change anything in your life in the next 24 hours. Still with me? Great!
Would you enjoy waking up? Would you listen to the early birds outside of your window? Would you enjoy every drop of water on your body while having a  shower? Would you look around your world before you sit in your car? Would you notice things on the way to work that you have never seen before but were always there? Would you look at your job and your colleagues in a different way? Would you just smile wisely thinking ‘Folks, this is only a game’? Would you enjoy every bite of your dinner? Would you appreciate the people around you as you never did before? Would you be caring, loving and understanding? Would you skip TV, go to bed and discover the real meaning of human touch
Can you feel the difference between a day and The Day
At the end of the story our day or Day ends up in the same way. 
At the end of the story our life or Life ends up in the same way as our days or Days.
Can you see now that The Journey is all you have? 
Anytime you are down, stressed, unhappy or lost, play this mind-game. Don’t worry if you can only stay in it for 5 minutes! Being in the present for 1 minute is more than 90% of the people have ever achieved.
Love and light,

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

How to save ourselves in 5 minutes -Intro

1. Intro
Well, the times when you could just go away and meditate in a monastery for 10 years to find yourself are long gone. To be honest it could be that it was never an option. 
If you want to be part of life as it is you have to be where Life itself is. And for human beings it’s more likely to be on the packed underground than in the middle of the forest. 
Don’t you agree? 
So how can we make the most of our lives? How can we rise above all the stress, frustration, guilt and worries we face every day?
We are all made to believe that a long, hard road leads to achieving this. That we must meditate minimum 3*40 minutes every day to get there.That we must read 1000 books to get there. That we must find a Master/Good Psychologist/Therapist and visit them for years before we get there.That we must follow weird diets or give up all the good food to achieve something.
We all want quick fix. We want a result now. We want to experience the change in 5 minutes - preferably in 1 minute but can cope with the idea of 5. 
In my blogs you will find tips about how to make your Life better in 5 minutes. I can not do the ‘magic’ for you. You are the only person who can make a difference in your life. I offer you a shortcut but it is up to you if you actually try.
Yesterday I heard the following ad in the radio for Pirates of the Caribbean III. 
They quoted the good old Captain Jack Sparrow:

“It is not so much the destination but the journey”

This is exactly what is it all about.
Follow my blog for the first tip.
Love, Judit