A. hosszú évek óta kereste az Igaz Mestert. Szigorú vegán életet élt és gyötrő hátfájása ellére minden reggel és este lótuszülésben meditált egy-egy órát.
Nem kétséges, ez meg is látszott rajta.
J. már hosszú évek óta nem kereste az Igaz Mestert. Legalább 10 éve nem volt vegetáriánus és csendben is csak akkor üldögélt a kedvenc foteljében, ha a gyerekek ágyban voltak és kivételesen nem zuhant melléjük a kimerültségtől.
Nem kétséges, ez meg is látszott rajta.
A. egy minden szavában bölcs, mágusi képességekkel megáldott Buddhakrisztus aszkétát álmodott meg Mesternek.
J-t egy olyan Létező inspirálta, aki minden lehetséges formájában és teljességében élte meg az életet.
“Nem is tudom” - csóválta a fejét komoran A. - “ Ha ennyire egyszerű és hétköznapi a te Léteződ, akkor honnan tudod, hogy nem kókler?”
“Nem is tudom” - mosolygott J. - “Felőlem akár szélhámos is lehet. Mestered ugyanis lehet bárki, mert csak az számít, hogy magadból mit látsz meg általa.”
(Povall Judit - A Tükör szerk. alatt)
Monday, 2 November 2015
Thursday, 29 October 2015
All That Is
God looked a little exhausted, J thought. He had just finished his astral dimensional meeting with people who wanted to pop in that night for some guidance.
J was completely immersed into her own being. She did not even realize that everyone else has left. When she looked up, God - who was sitting nearby - said:
-You think I am supernatural but the truth is: I am All That Is therefore I am human too. You see me in my physical body but - what you find hard to believe - I have my ups and downs like anybody else: I get joyful and get sad, I get excited, I get upset.
J was lost in God’s eyes as he continued talking:
- All your life you are trying to reconnect me. But in fact, I need you as much as you need me. My existence would be meaningless without you. As your existence in physical form would be wasted without me. We can’t be and have never been apart.
God moved closer to J. His face was about a feet away from hers.
-So when you see a tired man in me, you should realize that the roles changed. At this very moment I represent human and you are All That Is, God herself.
-How this could possibly be? - whispered J.
-By giving me the greatest gift in Existence: your Love.
God smiled and then softly kissed J. as they both fell into the long, green grass under the stars.
(By Judit Povall)
J was completely immersed into her own being. She did not even realize that everyone else has left. When she looked up, God - who was sitting nearby - said:
-You think I am supernatural but the truth is: I am All That Is therefore I am human too. You see me in my physical body but - what you find hard to believe - I have my ups and downs like anybody else: I get joyful and get sad, I get excited, I get upset.
J was lost in God’s eyes as he continued talking:
- All your life you are trying to reconnect me. But in fact, I need you as much as you need me. My existence would be meaningless without you. As your existence in physical form would be wasted without me. We can’t be and have never been apart.
God moved closer to J. His face was about a feet away from hers.
-So when you see a tired man in me, you should realize that the roles changed. At this very moment I represent human and you are All That Is, God herself.
-How this could possibly be? - whispered J.
-By giving me the greatest gift in Existence: your Love.
God smiled and then softly kissed J. as they both fell into the long, green grass under the stars.
(By Judit Povall)
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